TAutoButton v 1.2a - DELPHI Visual Component -------------------------------------------- (C)1995 Andrew McLean, Sydney, Australia v1.0a - 21st May 1995 - Initial Release v1.1a - 23rd May 1995 - Added ability to flash between bitmaps v1.2a - 26th May 1995 - Added ability to mask a button with the background (Tautobutton only) ------------------------------------------------ e-mail: andrewmc@widewest.com.au Website: http://widewest.com.au/delphi Website: http://widewest.com.au/aerosoft (look here for a downloadable demo of another product of mine) ------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Links 2 bitmaps together and when clicked, simulates a button. Buttons can flash and also be masked over client window background. TWO COMPONENTS -------------- Component 1 - TAutoButton (autoBtn.dcu) ---------------------------------------- A Delphi Visual Component which allows 2 bitmaps to link together and act as a button. An alternate bitmap can be specified for the 'up' position of the button. Use this if you do not need a flashing button. This uses no timers at all and is the prefered component. Component 2 - TFlashButton (autoBtnF.dcu) ------------------------------------------ Includes all of the features of TAutoButton as well as automatically flashing between bitmaps 'up' and 'alt'. You can enable flash and set an interval. This component may have bugs in it. *** WARNING *** Delphi will not run the flashing buttons from the compiler. You must exit Delphi and return to the program manager. It is probably a problem with the component rather than Delphi although I've tried everything. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. You can put up to about 30 buttons on forms before the timers run out. Demo: EXAMPLE.EXE Supplied: All the files required to add it to your component library. AUTOBTN.DCU (the component) AUTOBTN.DCR (the component resource) AUTOBTNF.DCU (the component) AUTOBTNF.DCR (the component resource) Component Palette: EXTRA (automatically created) Graphics: You will need to supply the shape of your own button in the up position and down position. Additional: You can also load a 3rd bitmap and use it as an alternate shape to the up position. Distribution: You may distribute this ZIP file freely provided the contents remain unchanged. You may use this software in a commercial product free of charge. If you do use it in a commercial package, for my own interests sake, please let me know. You are not permitted to sell the software unless compiled into your application. ie. Don't sell this ZIP file or its contents, or any associated file. You may not sell this component soley as an inherited object or stand alone object. Please call if you wish to have changes implemented. Key Properties: AutoSize true BitmapAlt Tbitmap BitmapDown Tbitmap BitmapMask Tbitmap BitmapUp Tbitmap Cursor crDefault DisplayAlt false Flash false (TFlashButton only)| FlashInterval 500 (TFlashButton only)| Height Hint Left Name ParentShowHint ShowHint Tag Top Visible true Width Events: onClick onMouseDown onMouseMove onMouseUp Notes: The autosize property derives the height and width of the bitmap from only the BitmapUp property. This means that you will not see the correct size of the bitmap until you load BitmapUp. If this is a pain for people I'll change it! When using a mask in design mode, only the button and the black mask is displayed, not the client background. Comment: If you like this software or want additions to it, please e-mail me at; andrewmc@widewest.com.au or web site http://widewest.com.au/delphi http://widewest.com.au/aerosoft